Oh god I am bored. People are bunking colleges and destroying universities in Iran and I am missing out all the fun. Last I heard it had something to with polls but that's just an excuse for demolishing educational concentration camps.
Life is really tough when you have attention span of a six year old but have nothing to do. Especially if you are not six years old. I have heard that in extreme cases people wind up writing articles about wombats.
Sometimes when I am asleep I think I can hear my atrophied brain matter moving. I have finished up all the experiments on the pleasures of sleeping. I even managed to dream of sleeping in my dreams. Though I haven't yet achieved the ultimate goal of sleeping twenty four hours straight. I think mostly because of the fear that once it is reached my life would not have any meaning left.
Hell I haven't even done anything lazy lately. There is nothing lazy to do here. At least in the semester I could cheer myself up thinking about all the classes I bunked and all the time saved, but now, now no classes to bunk and no time to save. I have never done more nothing in my life before.
And then there's the monsoon. Or rather no monsoon. Whoever named it monsoon must have been a real knucklehead. Recently I have noticed that people are really bad at naming things. Whoever our monsoon minister is this year is in real trouble. Hope they throw him and get a better one. You know, I think we had better monsoons with nda. Yeah, that's it, I am not voting for upa next time.
Ok, that's half hour spent. Now what to do...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Best
21 hours ago